Organizing committee is pleased to announce The 7th Ukrainian Psychiatric AssociationOrganizing committee is pleased to announce The 7th Ukrainian Psychiatric AssociationResearch Course, “for Early Carrier Mental health Specialists and Students”, 31 august - 01september 2023, Warsaw, Poland.
Conditions of participation:
1. The course is free and there is no registration fee. The organizing committee willprovide financial support to cover travel costs, hotel, and food to attend the Course.It is also possible to join the course online for those, not in a position to travel toKrakow, Poland. If you are forced to live outside of Ukraine, logistics costs are NOTcovered.
2. Each attendee has to give a Presentation during the meeting of ongoing research orclinical activity /future research aspiration for up to 10 minutes (up to 7 slides in ppt)and be ready to discuss the topic and answer faculty questions (preference in theselection of works for those related to the study of the consequences of the Russianwar in Ukraine).
3. The course will be conducted in English (with no translation to any other language).
4. Earlier career psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health professionals areinvited to apply for the course by filling in the enclosed application form.
5. Medical students interested in mental health and psychology students areencouraged to apply too.
6. All applicants must send a short summary (ABSTRACT) of their proposal/researchactivities with the application (see the application form for this). You might want toleave some spaces empty and that is fine. Please keep the text within 200 words.
7. Application deadline is the 27th of July 2023. Limited spaces are available, pleaseapply early.
8. The course will be held on August 31- September 01, 2023. A special lecture by thePresident of the World Psychiatric Association, Professor Afzal Javed will be held onAugust 30. Arriving in Krakow, Poland is planned on August 29.
9. Each attendee will receive a certificate of the course.
10. Please complete the Application form, Abstract and submit TWO DOCUMENTS to:
Course Directors:
- Irina Pinchuk (Ukraine) Prof., MD, Ph.D., Institute of Psychiatry, Taras ShevchenkoNational University in Kyiv, Vice-President, Ukrainian Psychiatric Association
- Norbert Skokauskas (Norway) Prof., MD, Ph.D., NTNU, Norway and WPA Child andAdolescent Psychiatry Section ChairFor additional information please contact
Website of the Course -
Application form -